The study course is based on identifying the causes of aviation accidents and incidents, based on their investigation, developing measures to prevent them and improving the level of flight safety.
Knows normative documents in the field of aviation accident and incident investigation. - Results evaluation methods Practical works. Testing. Exam.
Able to analyse aviation accidents, determine the causes, classify according to the severity of the consequences. - Practical works. Role playing. Control work.
Knows the structure and operating principles of objective on-board means for the investigation of aviation accidents and incidents. - Practical works. Role playing. Control work.
Able to describe and perform on-board means of flight information analysis and processing. - Practical works. Role playing. Control work.
Manages organizational issues, requirements for the composition of investigation commissions. - Laboratory works. Role playing. Control work.
Able to apply computational methods in estimating the causes of aviation accidents. - Laboratory works. Role playing. Control work.
Able to compile a final document on the investigation of aviation accidents. - Role playing. Control work. Course work. Exam.